What Are You Afraid Of?

katrina tioseco katrinatioseco

What Are You Afraid Of?

Have you been beating yourself up with a thought for the past few days (weeks, maybe even years) about something you wish you could do?

Long before all the podcasts & self-development books I've been investing my time in, I've been a firm believer of loving what you do (more on that in my last blog post: Why I Quit my 9 to 5). A big part of quitting my job was being afraid that I would've regretted not knowing whether it could've have worked for me or not.

But What If It Doesn't Work?

How could you possibly know if you haven't tried? I wouldn't want to live my life with the regret of "what if ..." We only have one life to live and that's already a limited time for which we don't even know. If you don't take the chances that the universe is handing out to you on a silver platter, you'll regret not having taken it. So what if you failed? At least you can put that thought/dream to rest and know that it was just not meant for you. Don't you think it's worth investing in yourself? In failing, you already get so much out of that experience alone anyway.

And what I mean by failing, doesn't mean you'll try something for 48 hours or even a week and decide that it's a failure. Don't half-ass it knowing that you'll fail anyway. The most important thing here is that you try.

Life is an illusion created by our perception , and it can be changed the moment you choose to change it. - Jen Sincero

I've only been a full-time freelancer since February and obviously there are times where I even doubt why I've made this decision in the first place. But at the end of the day, I still don't regret it. Yes, there was a month where I made less than 1 000$ but that's one of the disadvantages of freelancing. But that waS also my fault. I considered that a failure but I had to keep going knowing what I learned - in other words, what I should NOT be doing if I wanted to keep making less than 1 000$ per month let's say.

At The End of The Day...

Me to me: You are a kickass boss & don’t you forget it. ❤️️

Me to me: You are a kickass boss & don’t you forget it. ❤️️

In reality, the only one stopping you from going after that "what if" dream, is yourself. How would you feel if you could turn those "what if's" into "I did.." Wouldn't you feel so much more accomplished & proud of yourself? I know, I am. I know it won't be easy, but know that it's worth believing in yourself. I believe in you ❤️️

The bottomline here is: start that new hobby you've been meaning to pick up, launch that blog, start your own business/side hustle (but don't do it without a plan haha), etc. There is no limit as to what you can do.

Have a beautiful day & until next post, fam! xoxo

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Katrina Tioseco katrinatioseco

Hi, there!
My name is Katrina Tioseco & I’m a self-made social media marketer with a degree in interior design.

Among the many things I’m passionate about, I also love eating (although I don’t cook very often haha), travelling, coffee crawling, taking photos & clever puns.

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Take the road less traveled katrinatioseco katrina tioseco

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