katrina tioseco katrinatioseco

A self-taught social media marketer with a love for interior design

Familiar with the ever so famous quote: "Do what you love, love what you do"? Well, what if it’s not that simple of a choice?

In my case ― a graduate in media arts & in interior decorating,  I decided to quit my 9 to 5 job in interior design about three years ago to pursue a freelance career in social media marketing. Since then, I fell in love with working with small businesses, restaurants & especially female-owned businesses.

I fell in love with photography the moment I was given a disposable camera as a kid & I have not stopped shooting ever since - whether it was with a camera or even just my phone. I also love documenting my travels & what I eat on the daily. My love for Montreal will last forever (but it may sometimes shifts during the winter haha), which is why I share all about my city & my travel adventures on my personal Instagram account.

Some of my other favorite things to do include discovering new coffee shops (where I’m most probably working from), travelling & scrolling through an infinite amount of pictures of English Bulldogs.


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